Friday, 13 December 2019

Benefits Associated With Industrial Load Bank Testing

A loadbank is utilized for creating an artificial load that will take the engine to a certain operating temperature. It is very much helpful in inspecting the overall performance of a power system for ensuring whether the system is capable of providing the required power in an emergency or not. 

Also, it is a handy tool for being applied to a power generator. A loadbank in a proper working condition will help in extending the service life of the engine, thus reducing the cost of maintenance. 

Loadbank Performing On-site Testing  

A loadbank is an excellent device that facilitates on-site testing and commissioning of power systems in both, standby and emergency modes. Are you planning to install a load bank permanently?

Good idea! Below are some exclusive advantages of having a load bank installed permanently:
  • Reduces chances of failure of power generator 
  • Helps facility managers to maintain the required power supply 
  • Ensures that all power systems will be able to produce electricity
  • Removes carbon from the engine, thus keeping it clean
  • Helps in preventing the mechanical failure of power systems
  • Helps in preventing the serious issue of wet stacking
A loadbank generates and applies an artificial load to the power generator. A permanently installed bank will help in facilitating managers for regulating power demand.  

Loadbank Testing - An Effective Way to Prevent Wet Stacking 

Loadbank testing is a highly effective way to prevent the occurrence of wet stacking. What is wet stacking? It is a highly serious issue that results from operating a diesel power system at an insufficient load. That too, for a considerable period of time. 

Whenever unplanned power disruptions take place, the proper testing mechanism is the only way for figuring out the weaknesses of backup generators. Application of reactive loadbank range from hospitals to financial institutions. Also, it has got extended to data centres and production plants. 

Testing is an Essential Light Part 

Testing is an essential part of an emergency preparedness plan for a facility. It is very much essential to consult and get the latest updated solutions from a reliable company. Based on needs, testing can be scheduled weekly, monthly or annually.

A loadbank rental at the right time will provide the most recommended power solution. A reliable power system solution provider will offer technical assistance, along with services related to maintenance and installation. 

Carrying out a little bit of research will help you to get in touch with the right type of service provider.  The right type of service provider will definitely provide the best service at reasonable rate. 

Creating an artificial load is now easy with the help of loadbank. It will help in inspecting the performance of a power system.

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Load Bank Quality at Work- Elements that Define Mobile Loadbank Rental

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Know How Loadbank Manages The Low Load In The Generators

System health and reliability are 2 critical factors that impact the power solution for every facility. Whether you are managing a data centre in a shopping complex or storing backup for a multi-server running environment, a generator or power backup system is a necessary element for a power system.

Though every power system varies in operation, load profile and the application depends on the complexity as well as the purpose of power usage. Reliable the power, maximised efficiency. Read on this content to understand the system operation, schemes, load profile and the maintenance required for a power backup system. You will also get to see how to manage the operation of generators.

Generator Set Rated Loads:

The first thing you have to understand is the generator sets have been designed to run with a certain load. The operation of each generator depends on the application and rating. This may not seem important, but loading a generator properly ensures its availability for healthy engine operation and long life of the engine.

The prime-rated diesel generator sets are designed to operate between 50-85% of full nameplate, continuous-rated diesel generator between 70-100% load, natural gas and bio gas generator set is designed to operate between 70-100% of nameplate rating.

1.Diesel Generator Sets:

When it comes to operating a generator set at a load level of less than 30% of rated output for an extended period of time, it can impact the unit negatively. In most cases, exhaust slobber is an annoying issue, which is also known as wet stacking. The fuel leaks from exhaust manifold joist and causes buildup, and this is a sign of underloading. A long period of underloading can cause the deposit buildup behind the piston rings and inside the cylinders. This can lead to power loss, as well as poor performance and increased maintenance cost.

2.Gas Generator Sets:

Gas generator sets above 1000 kW are typically used for non-emergency standby application. The right operating condition for the gas generator can range from 50-100% of the rated load, and any set below the 50% leads the situation to ash deposits, which results in the change in compression ratio and reduced detonation margin as well. The reduced detonation margin can damage the components as well as decrease the life of an engine.

When it comes to maintaining the load properly for diesel and gas generator sets, this issue can be resolved hiring a loadbank system, that can be easily installed to test a power system. The load for diesel generator set should be 30% of the load, whereas natural gas generator should be operated with at least 70% load factor. Well, following this guideline can ensure minimum engine maintenance besides ensuring long-term product health and durability.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Load Bank Quality at Work- Elements that Define Mobile Loadbank Rental

Load banks have come in handy when it comes to testing the output of electrical power on diesel generators, gas turbines, and UPS systems while any type of maintenance work and commissioning is needed. In addition to this, this electrical device has the potential to stimulate the real electrical loads while ascertaining that all the parameters are met during the setup and commissioning of power backups and generation.

In short, it can be defined as the electrical device that develops electrical load and the same is applied to the electrical power source. The use of the electrical load banks ensures that the readings thus made are precisely giving an edge to the industries towards a smooth functioning. This meets the testing requirement (based on the rating of each of the load bank).

The engineering of the load bank is such that it assists the various industries like data centres, generators, government, solar farms, hospitals, and maritime in ensuring that these organisations succeed in meeting the deadline of the demand. However, for this, it is needed to make sure that the loadbank on rental meets all the specifications.

The following are some of the things that need to be ascertained before hiring a load bank—

Making the Right Choice

The right choice of the load bank before testing would ensure that you are going to do get the best result. Therefore, confirming with the service providers regarding the type of testing that is to be done is going to play a crucial role. Based on that, the following can be the mobile loadbank types that can be hired—
  • Reactive or Resistive Loadbank
  • Customised Loadbank specific to meet certain requirements
  • Whether testing is to be done for the electrical equipment of high capacities or not
The Purpose of the Load Bank Hire

Determining the purpose of the hire is going to solve the majority of the hit and trials that are made in this field. According to the professionals providing mobile loadbank on hire, every load bank has its specifications. Keeping in mind the specifications, the right selection is very much required. For example; MC1C 208v-415v & MC180 208v-415v have different usage. While the first one has the nominal capacity of 2240 @ 1.0 pf while the later has 1457 at the same rating. Based on the rating, the functioning of the loadbank is decided.


Quality testing is achieved only when the right one is used. It is, therefore, needed to make sure the purpose by assessing the different parameters in the right way.

Related Blog Post : 

Why Going for Loadbank on Rental is a Great Move?

Monday, 25 March 2019

Why Going for Loadbank on Rental is a Great Move?

Whether it is an electrical power output on gas turbines, diesel generator or UPS system, the importance of load bank testing can never be overlooked. When it comes to ensuring electric power performance across a diverse range of industrial needs, load banks have been playing a crucial role. This is one of the reasons why experts believe that the sustenance and efficiency of any business are relying heavily on using and optimising the proper functionality and electrical circuits.

Technological development has contributed a lot when it comes to meet the rising demand for electrical needs. The need for maintenance and testing have made these units compact, accurate and accessible to different operations. In addition to this, the units can easily be transported.

Load Bank Types & their Utility

Well, as far as the technical aspects are concerned, the type of load bank to be used to test the performance of an electrical system varies according to the type of testing that is to be done.

Experts suggest to enquire some of the typical questions that would make the loadbank rental selection the best--
  • Type of load profile being expected during the operation of the system.
  • The distance of the simulated load from the power source.
  • Nature of the load- reactive, resistive, or capacitive.
  • How frequent is the power supply energised?
The best load bank for the system testing depends primarily on the type of project and load that industry has. For example--
  • For the testing of the electrical system RESISTIVE LOAD BANK is common.
  • For the industry related to Telecom and Computer Application, CAPACITIVE LOAD BANK is used.
  • For the testing of transformers, electromagnets, electric motors, REACTIVE LOAD BANK is used.
Whether to Rent a Load Bank?

The companies catering to load testing solution to the different industries for the purpose of commissioning and maintenance put their mobile loadbank on hire.

The following are some of the key considerations that need to be kept in mind when it comes to making a choice between whether to rent or buy a new unit-
  • The rental rate includes all the cost involved in maintaining.
  • Immediate replacement of the malfunctioning part.
  • No issue or worries to store or place the unit.
  • The purchase would be dearer; therefore, the capital can be used in investing in other activities of business.
  • Purchasing a load bank can increase the tax burden on the company and increases the financial liability.
With the adversities associated with purchasing a new unit, it is always advised to go for the load bank rentals. Apart from this, consulting an expert is going to provide a comprehensive assessment of the needs of the load bank.