Friday, 21 May 2021

Determining the Power Handling Capability of a Generator With a Resistive Loadbank

Over the years, generators have been playing a huge role in sourcing power to homes and commercial facilities. They are extremely reliable and are the perfect device for emergency power requirements. When the grid suddenly breaks down, you need to have a powerful and dependable backup facility which is possible when there is a loadbank at your disposal. Resistive load banks are mostly used for testing generators. In other words, you can tell whether the power offered by a generator is reliable, by means of a load bank testing. 

The importance of a resistive loadbank 

The resistive loadbank is a breakthrough in technology. It has been helping industries far and wide. It is responsible for confirming the capacity of a generator which is accountable for sourcing power under different scenarios. They are essential for preventive maintenance of a generator which needs to be evaluated every now and then to ensure non-stop power supply during breakdown of grid. According to industry experts it is essential to hire loadbank and conduct load testing of a generator. Generally, a loadbank testing is performed to make sure the generator will be able to handle maximum load. 

What actually happens during load bank testing? 

Have you ever taken time to understand what happens when load bank testing is performed? A load bank is designed and engineered to test a generator at an established horsepower, pressure level and operating temperature. The resistive load bank is used for generator testing in course of which original electrical load is simulated on the latter. 

A load bank will increase its kW load during a testing process. With the increasing load, the generator’s capability function under a normal power cut can be determined. 

Why should load testing be performed? 

We all know the fact that backup generators are not meant for running under normal scenarios. They do not carry huge loads under standard cases. However, during a routine operation, a generator may fail to carry the expected load. A load testing process is usually conducted with an aim to determine the power of a generator which is sourcing energy. 

If you suspect that your loadbank may not be able to carry out its normal function, you will need to get a load testing done by hiring a load bank. It is a crucial part of routine preventive maintenance of a generator in order to identify any kind of flaw with the power sourcing machine. 

A resistive loadbank is used mainly meant for examining the generator and its power sourcing capability. Indeed, load banks play a vital role in determining performance of a generator.